White chocolate lava cake Discover the smoothness of white chocolate in our white chocolate lava cake. A creamy treat... DISCOVER
Speculoos lava cake The speculoos lava cake is the perfect mix of the refined, lightly crunchy exterior of... DISCOVER
Pumpkin spice lava cake These flavorful lava cakes are the perfect autumn dessert. The orange-colored cake is airy and... DISCOVER
Nutriscore A lava cake A chocolate lava cake with 30% fewer calories, 35% less fat, and 96% less sugar.... DISCOVER
Plant-based lava cake Plant-based chocolate pastry with a molten heart of chocolate. This lava cake is 100% plant-based... DISCOVER
Praliné lava cake The praline lava cake offers a delightful combination of rich chocolate flavor and soft hazelnut... DISCOVER
Salted caramel lava cake This airy caramel lava cake is light brown in color and not only has a... DISCOVER
Chocolate & salted caramel lava cake The filling of salted caramel in our classic chocolate lava cake guarantees a true flavor... DISCOVER
Chocolate & raspberry lava cake Enjoy the perfect balance between dark chocolate and the fresh taste of raspberries in our... DISCOVER
Chocolate & orange lava cake Our classic chocolate lava cake is a flavorful treat with an intense chocolate taste and... DISCOVER